After attending a friends' birthday party, Joshua asked, "What is she going to do with all those presents?". He then decided he wanted to collect gifts for kids who did not have any birthday presents. It was at this point, Kidsforkidsfund was started.

Since then, Joshua and his sister Sophia have been holding lemonade stands, baking treats, watching neighborhood animals and any small job to raise money so other children can have presents on their birthday. Joshua also decided not to have any friends give him gifts on his birthday. Instead he is collecting unwrapped new presents to bring to the kids at the local YWCA. You can help by donating funds or buying small new gifts that Joshua will ensure to give to kids in need.

In addition, this desire to give has expanded. Sophia heard the need to help her grandfather who is currently in the Peace Corp in Ethiopia. One of his emails mentioned how all the children in his village fight over the few soccer balls available. Sophia decided to send soccer balls to the children in his village. We are currently looking at shipping options and gaining partners to help us with this goal.

This blog documents the journey of kids giving to other kids. In addition, it is hosting Joshua's other passion, taking photos. He took all the photos in this blog unless otherwise mentioned or he is in it! We merged his other photo blog site to this one in order to combine his interests. We hope you enjoy and check back often as he begins to document the work of kidsforkidsfund.

If you are inspired and you want to give or help Joshua and Sophia, please email us at


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birthday Toys for Kids

Thanks to everyone who helped me raise money. I went out and bought cool presents for kids who do not a present on their birthday.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Grandpa birthday

Happy Birthday to my grandpa! He is in Africa helping other people. He is not coming back until I am 7 yrs old. I miss him.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

piggy banks

These are Sophia and my piggy banks. We put the money we get into it. It doesn't all fit so we also have to take our money to the bank. We are buying presents for kids who don't have any birthday presents.


This is my cat Ben. He has green eyes. He is my new "Ben" because my other cat got sick. My dad helped save this Ben.


Ben is looking at Isabella. I think he is mad.

ben smiles

This is ben. I think he is smiling at something.



These are flowers in our garden

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The sprinkler is going off right now. It is going to hit my dad. He He

Lily bug

Sophia is holding our bunny Lilly bug. I think she is going to take her for a walk. She has a leash

Sunday, July 25, 2010


These are water cups for summer camp in case the kids get thirsty.

Monday, July 5, 2010


These are colors on a guitar. They are the keys you can push to play.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

pine tree

This pine tree is in our yard. It is very tall and it has a lot of pine needles.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is my sister Sophia. I don't know what she is looking at.

Monday, April 19, 2010